Packaging of the World (POTW) 是一個國際性的創意設計資料庫網站,展示了世界上最有趣最有創造性的作品,裡面有來自不同國家的設計作品。這個平台提供各國設計師更多有別於以往的設計觀點和設計風格,可以讓設計師們從欣賞這些創意包裝中獲得靈感,也能讓他們感受不同國家之間的差異和其特色。平台包括國家、學生作品、最受歡迎的設計等堪稱包裝設計界的資源寶庫。
Sharing Love From Daylily
Derrick Lin Packaging of the World Chief Curator
12/26/2019 06:52:00 PM Asia , Best Rated , Food , Paper , Taiwan
Design: Huemon Design
Location: Taiwan
Project Type: Produced
Product Launch Location: Taiwan
Packaging Contents: High-Quality Dried Daylilies
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper & OPP Bag
Printing Process: Die Cut Molding
The cultivation of the daylilies in Taiwan is concentrated in the eastern region, Hualien County accounts for more than 75% of the total production. However, local farmers have no solutions to increase the value of the daylilies. In order to provide consumers with non-polluted crops, we cooperate with a local company to create a branding strategy to reposition farmers and agricultural products and establish a highly recognizable image of the agricultural product from Hualien so that the result can help the development of local industries in long term.
What's Unique?
The package shows the love from daylily, starting with one blooming daylily above, a beautiful life of daylilies from seed to bloom painted on the sides, and then the spirit with the actual daylilies save in the six different tepals which combine into a whole gift pack. With recommended recipes, the pack can be divided into six pieces for delivering more blessings to friends and families.